Service Times

Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Train Up a Child

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Deut. 11:18-25

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. In the grand scheme of things it seems as though our 1st Crusader Thursday on Sept. 8th was just last week. Time passes quickly doesn’t it! David says in Ps. 103, “for God knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust. As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.” Ask a child how long they think 18 years is and they will probably tell you about as long as one of my sermons! Why 18 years? Because at 18 years old, in our culture and society is when our children are graduated from high school and begin life on their own! So if we use Moses’ example and 80 years is our “minute” here on earth, we have just a couple seconds to teach our children before they begin life on their own. Reality is that by the time they reach mid-elementary, they have already begun to form their own convictions about life. We all know the “do what I say, not what I do” philosophy doesn’t work! On the other hand the “what you do speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you say” attitude does work! So, the question becomes; what do your children “hear you do!” So that brings us to our passage this morning in Prov. 22:6. Throughout Scripture God always puts the primary responsibility of instruction on the father! Teaching most often is Mom’s responsibility. What is the difference? Instruction is defining what must be learned; teaching is demonstrating how the instructions are learned. Now listen, watch, listen! Here is how God intends for this to work. Dad is responsible to get into the Word and study. As Dad learns what God expects from His adopted children, he has a 2 pronged responsibility: 1 = he must study the Scriptures and live its doctrines in his own life. Not only is a man responsible to study the Scriptures and live his life in harmony with them, he is responsible before God 2 = to teach to his wife how she is to teach Biblical principles to the children. So with that let’s consider:

I.THE PARENTS’ RESPONSIBILITY = train up a child. Almost without exception the Hebrew concept of the word train insisted that the child was to begin learning the simplest truths of right and wrong as early as possible in the child’s life. So, how early in is as early as possible in a child’s life. Read Isa. 28:9, 10. The point being made in Scripture is that it is the responsibility of the parents to teach their children the Scriptures. Our Crusader program is not now, and was never intended to be the primary means for your children to learn the Scriptures. We might be your assistant teachers, but your assistant is all we can be! So parents the question is; to what have you dedicated your children to learning about the truth of right and wrong to this point in their life? Your parental responsibility to train your child carries with it:

II. A PROPER ROUTINE = in the way he should go. Another way to say this is “in the way God intends for all people to walk during this life on earth.” The right direction in life can be found only through a personal relationship in salvation with The Lord Jesus Christ. People prefer to believe they can come up with their own way and their own terms by which they will please God. Those same people then expect God to bless them, and receive them into His heaven, because they have been deceived into believing God is only good, loving, merciful, and forgiving; and they have not been taught that because He is all of those things He must also be righteous and just punishing all sin and evil to the fullest extent! When parents themselves become men and women of God, they train their children to become men and women of God. Finally, let’s consider

III. PATTERN FOR RESOLUTION. Every Christian parent wants their children to grow up and live a life dedicated to Christ. When Christian parents dedicate their own lives to Christ and invest in their children’s lives while they are young and at home, parents often think, “of course my children will continue to live the way we are teaching them. We all know Christian parents who have experienced heartbreak when their children leave home and leave their godly training packed up and tucked away in the closet with other childhood memorabilia! Hence, 1 reason for the proverbs! One writer defines a proverb as a literary device whereby a general truth is brought to bear on a specific occasion. He continues, “many of the Proverbs are not absolute guarantees for they expressed truths that are necessarily conditioned by prevailing circumstances.” Here is a biblical truth to remember: Scripture always teaches us how to be wise from God’s perspective, but it never forces us to apply its wisdom to our daily living! The prophet Isaiah told Israel, “this is the way, walk in it.” But no where do we read God ever forced Israel, or anyone else, to follow Him! If He did God would be a legalist! Each week your children have come to Crusaders we have made a sincere and serious effort to direct each of them in the way they should go. Parents it is your great responsibility to continue to teach them that way for the rest of your life!

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.

Leaders Must Be Servants

1 Tim. 3:1-7

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. In general when we think of a leader, we tend to think of someone with power commensurate with their position, or title. As you might expect, God takes a different approach to His philosophy of leadership.

To be one of God’s leaders, a person must 1st learn to be a servant. Read Matt. 20: 25 – 28; and 23:8-11. Just a reminder here; the central theme of Paul’s message in 1st Timothy is, sound biblical doctrine results in godly living. Pastors are to local churches today, what overseers were to churches in Paul’s day. An overseer was not a new concept. In Acts 14 and 20, we learn the position of overseers was already established. The ESV correctly translates exactly what The Holy Spirit wrote using the word, “if anyone aspires…” The KJV says, “if a man desires the office of a bishop…” The NIV says, “if anyone sets his heart on being an overseer…” Aspire means “to reach out” or “to reach for something.” In Scripture it carries the meaning “a clear and concentrated will which in all sobriety takes reality into account.” It always expresses a driving force that can’t be ignored. It is used to express the determination an concentration of Jesus when He set His face like a flint toward Jerusalem. Meaning nothing could keep Him from going there to accomplish the mission for which He came. The English translations seem to indicate a man might seek this position because being an overseer, or bishop, or in 21st-century language a pastor, is a noble task. Holding the office is a noble task, but only if it is acquired and administered according to The Bible. The Greek word “episcopos” from which we get our English word Episcopal is translated “overseer” in verse 1; Bishop in v. 2; and elder in 5:19. Because the words are used interchangeably we believe all pastors are elders, but not all elders, or overseers, or bishops are pastors. What’s the difference? The simple answer is the call a man receives from God to become a pastor. Here is a biblical truth you want to learn and remember: a true elder, or a true pastor, never seek the office of their own desire! In both cases it is always God that brings the office to the man!

Now, let’s take a closer look at this office! Scripture emphasizes 2 distinct truths concerning an overseer. 1st is the determination to persevere. The Holy Spirit gives us some further insight into the word “aspire” in 2:8 where we are told all men are to pray with uplifted and hands. Reaching out the hands toward heaven indicates that the one reaching, recognizes God as sovereign over all creation, and his own position as subservient to God! The single most compelling reason that an overseer is determined to persevere is because when he is alone with God, the man has absolute assurance from God that he has been called to his position by God! The certainty of the call not only drives a man forward in ministry it creates within him a 2nd truth which is a desire to perform. Paul says to be called by God to be an overseer is to be commissioned for a noble task! In its simplest form noble means “sound, powerful, vigorous, and excellent.” In the OT it often referred to outward beauty; for example in Gen. 12, the Egyptians saw Sarah, Abraham’s wife, as very beautiful. In the NT the word immediately takes on a different and much more pointed and substantial meaning! The word good, or noble, is elevated in significance and impact because it is the word Jesus uses consistently to describe how a person represents the kingdom of God, through the characteristics of daily living. As you begin to understand the accountability placed on an overseer, you begin to see why the office demands the highest qualifications. It doesn’t make any difference whether you use the word overseer, bishop, elder, pastor, and listen, deacon, the position those words identify is extended only to a redeemed heart; and the desire to wear the title or occupy the position can originate only in the throne room of heaven, and be brought into a man’s heart by God Himself! God often extends a “call” to a man of God to minister as an overseer, elder or deacon in a local church without extending that specific call to preach. Read 2nd Timothy 4:1-5. Beloved, we are watching verses 3 and 4 happen before our eyes. By the very fact those people do such things, they are advertising to all true men and women of God they don’t have a clue, and they most certainly do not understand the biblical meaning of overseer. Let me show you one more truth you must know concerning an elder, or overseer, especially one who is called to the office of pastor. Read Heb. 13:17. Now read Mk. 13:32-37.. Notice that while the man is gone his servants are responsible for continuing the work they were given to do. That mandate to continue to work is given to all servants not just overseers. I trust this gives you some insight into the office of bishop, elder, overseer, and pastor!

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.


A Message to the Whole Church

1 Tim. 2:13-15

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Paul is telling Timothy how to deal with the false teachers in Ephesus who are spreading lies and causing some of the women there to act in less than a desirable way during worship. It should be noted up front, the problems Paul deals with here are not to be blamed on the women being addressed. The truth is some of the church leaders in Ephesus had diverged so far from sound Biblical doctrine they had, as one writer so succinctly says, “lost all semblance of godliness. They were apparently influencing women to follow them in their practice of contentious, self-seeking rebellion. Paul wanted to see the practice of serious Christianity make a return to Ephesus.” We might say today, Paul was encouraging and praying for revival in Ephesus. As often as not when women depart from sound biblical teaching and doctrine, it is because of ungodly men who have taken advantage of them. It should also be noted that not all the women in the Ephesian church were out of line. There were a large number of spiritually mature women who worshiped there. His message addresses:

I. THE DIVINELY ORDAINED STRUCTURE V. 13. Paul goes clear back to creation to use biblical history to show the chronological order in which God created man and woman. Paul is pointing out in Gal., and he does so again in Eph. that just because Adam was created before Eve, she, nor any other Christian woman is deemed to be less important in her ministry in the home and now in the local church! Remove the ministries that women contribute to a biblical NT local church and it will likely shrivel and die. By the fact that Paul instructs women to learn quietly and submissively – meaning without interrupting the service, and having a teachable spirit – he is not only addressing their behavior, he is at the same time – if you will – “putting pressure” on the men to submit themselves to Christ in the fear of God. It is the responsibility of the men to teach the women how to be submissive. We teach our wives and daughters how to be submissive by showing them that we submit to God, and all His Word in our daily lives. Biblical submission is not one of those things a man tells a woman “do as I say, not as I do,” but rather “watch me and I’ll show you.” We also show our wives how to be quiet before the Lord when we demonstrate to them we have a teachable spirit. A teachable spirit is an attitude that says, I can and must learn from God and other godly Christians. A teachable spirit is a major prerequisite for anyone to hold any position of leadership in the home and especially in the local church! If my relationship with God is not as one of His adopted children, my fellowship with Him is as His enemy. If my fellowship with God isn’t right, my fellowship with others can’t be right. If I mistreat others to have my own way, then God will withhold His favor, blessing, and many other benefits of life from me. Paul also teaches in v. 14,  

II. DECEPTION LEADS TO SIN. He again refers to OT history returning to the Fall. He makes a distinction between “how” Adam and Eve fell into sin. The Greek words Paul uses for “deceived” could be translated “utterly deceived,” meaning completely mislead in such a way Eve thought she was not wrong. We might say Eve believed Satan because what He was telling her seemed so right, it couldn’t be wrong. Ever think like that? Paul himself was deceived by sin into thinking putting Christians to death was actually what God wanted him to do. Even though Paul’s heart was changed, and he became one of God’s greatest champions; all the evil he caused, and those who died because of his hatred for the Gospel, was not undone after his salvation. Paul ends this section exalting the high position of women when they display a  

III. DEDICATION TO SCRIPTURE – 15. I said a few weeks ago, No one in their right mind believes Paul is teaching women receive salvation through childbirth! If you think about it, Scripture tells us salvation is purchased by Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection, not His birth! Women are encouraged throughout Scripture and especially the NT to exercise their spiritual gifts in the ministry of the local church. They are also instructed how to properly exercise those gifts so they don’t misrepresent God’s ordained order in creation and in the family structure. When a Christian woman exercises her spiritual gifts in the right way she receives great reward and satisfaction from God. We must always remember, as God’s adopted children, our life is not about us, it is all about Him!

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.


The Message of Baptism

Rom. 6:1-14

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. As many of you know a fundamental, Bible believing local church, which is what BCC is, observes two ordinances. Those two ordinances are The Lord’s supper or Communion, and the other is baptism, which we are going to observe today. Everywhere in the NT the method or mode of baptism was by immersion or being put completely underwater and brought back up again. I will explain why immersion is the only method of baptism that correctly and consistently represents our salvation. The Greek word for baptize, both in Scripture and ancient Greek literature means “to plunge, dip, immerse” something in water. Rom. 6 is arguably the best summary of the doctrine of baptism in Scripture. Let’s examine this simple yet rich and meaningful ordinance of baptism. Baptism is 1st:  

I. A PICTURE OF REDEMPTION. Read Rom. 6:1-11. Every adopted child of God must remember that their entire life is a declaration to everyone who comes in contact with them. The last part of V. 4 telling us that as those who are saved, we walk in newness of life. When any person is saved, meaning they stop trying to impress God with their efforts to be good, or do good deeds, and place their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, as their only hope of being forgiven for their sins by God. Nowhere does Scripture ever even hint at the idea that miraculous event of God’s grace and mercy bringing spiritual life to a heart that was dead in sin to life – be kept a secret. So how is baptism a picture of our redemption? Read Rom. 6:3, 4. In the act of Christian baptism when a person is laid-back and immersed completely under the water, it is a physical symbol of the person’s death to their old way of life. As we know, 3 days after He was buried Christ arose from the dead. His resurrection is proof that God accepted all He did to purchase our redemption. In Christian baptism when a person is raised from the water, it is a picture of their own beginning of a new life in Christ. At the instant a person is saved, God immediately adopts them into His family. It is for that reason that when a person is baptized they immediately become a member of the local church family where they are baptized. The message of baptism is also:  

II. A PROMISE OF REFLECTION. From a biblical viewpoint to walk in newness of life can be interpreted as actively participating in the doctrine of perseverance! You remember the doctrine of perseverance means: those who are truly born again will continue to live as Christians until the end of their lives. Walking is a journey that consists of many individual steps, taken one at a time. Being conformed to the image of Christ can be interpreted as the doctrine of progressive sanctification. You will remember from our study that progressive sanctification is the work of God and man that makes us more and more free from sin and more and more like Christ in our daily living. Read Rom. 8:26-30. Every Christian is going to be conformed – 100% – to the image of Christ. If the desire to be redeemed is real, the individual immediately has a desire to learn to reflect the image and life of Christ. The promise of reflection leads to:

III. A PROFESSION OF RELIANCE. Read Rom. 6:15-19. James tells us to “submit yourselves, therefore, to God.” In order to learn to walk in newness of life a true Christian learns to rely on God 1st. God is always faithful and trustworthy. You can always trust God to do exactly what He says He will, in exactly the way He says He will do it. Redemption, salvation is one of the 1st steps any person takes in learning to trust God. If you believe God can, and will, save you when you ask Him, you can also believe and trust God in everything else concerning this life and the next. Read Eph. 4:11-16. There is also a profession of reliance on other Christians who are older in the faith, to teach new Christians how to live, by being proper examples to them. Almost every book of Scripture tells us to make disciples by teaching those younger in the faith how to live as God tells us. The message of baptism is a public declaration of our desire to follow Christ and His teachings. All who pass through the waters of baptism are making a public profession of their allegiance to live a life in harmony with Scripture, so they properly represent God’s kingdom. May this be our constant desire as long as we live!

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.


A Mandate to Women

1 Timothy 2:9-12

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Women have a vital ministry in the life of a true NT local church today. Any so-called pastor or Bible teacher that teaches otherwise is a heretic, period! It is very possible that Paul got his very high view of women in ministry from Solomon, David and other OT writers who understood the honor and dignity of womanhood. Ephesians. 5:23-33 clearly reveals Paul’s view of the role of women, and the responsibility of men to uphold them as God intends. This section of 1 Timothy does not, teach that women are to be ornaments or just pew fillers in the local church. Paul is dealing with a specific problem at Ephesus, but it serves as a template for right behavior for everyone, not just women. In this section he is dealing with proper, godly conduct in a church worship service, although his instructions about modesty should apply at all times; just as men should be gentlemen at all times. Paul often uses the words “women, and wives” throughout his letters. The context defines whether or not he is talking specifically to wives or to women in general. Now notice Paul’s:

I. MANDATE TO ALL WOMEN – V. 9-10. Paul’s desire here is to instruct all women in Christian virtues. He is providing some guidelines for those women who were saved whether or not they came from a life in the cult of Artemis, or not. The fact that Paul instructs women in what, or what not to wear, fix their hair, or the jewelry they wear does not mean he forbids it. Neither does Peter forbid it when he addresses it in his letters. Both Apostles are telling women that as Christians their outward appearance is to be God-honoring. Paul’s point here is that women are to promote and adhere to the fear of God rather than an ungodly character. How does a woman learn to promote and adhere to the fear of God rather than display an ungodly character? In addition to her own Bible study and QT, she learns from watching her husband, or if she is not married, from watching the older women and leaders in her local church family. So, husbands, the question is: are you teaching your wives to be godly women, or not? God knows, and so do you! Our wives, daughters, and granddaughters know also! Next:

II. A MINISTRY FOR ALL WOMEN  V. 9. In v. 12, Paul is speaking to all women in general. The first thing Paul tells women is to learn. Now ladies, don’t get on Paul for using the “submissive” word here. This mandate to the women to learn would have rang loudly in the ears of the religious leaders of the day because it was totally opposite of the norm. Judaism forced women to be silent without any concern for their knowledge and understanding of Scripture, or their spiritual growth. Paul is saying emphatically here those days are gone. In the age of grace, which was ushered in with “it is finished” the old passed away and the new took over. The salvation principle that Paul is introducing is women must be recognized as partners in the gospel at home and in the church. Paul gives two requirements women are to follow when learning. The first requirement is that she learn quietly. One author explains the truth in a simple sentence when he says “Paul was not demanding physical silence but a teachable spirit.” A teachable spirit is by nature submissive and quiet, listen, because the person has a deep, deep desire in their heart to learn all they can about the inspired, inerrant Word of God. The second truth for learning is total submission. In the NT the basic meaning of the word submission is to determine, or to appoint.  The ultimate authority is God Himself. The broader picture of the word submit is, “to be subject to authority with no possibility of resistance.” One author clearly and correctly states the meaning of submission as Paul uses it in v. 11 saying “it is a warning against abusing the leadership of the congregation by disrespectful, boisterous actions and language.” The 2nd ministry God gives to women is to be long-enduring. Ladies, no expositor in their right mind believes women are redeemed through childbirth. That is nowhere near what Paul is saying here. The whole point is in the last part of the verse when Paul says “if they continue… meaning if they continue to grow spiritually in Christ. A couple writers made this point, and I am inclined to agree with them. In all that is unattractive and uninviting about childbearing, there is a God-given desire in a woman to have children. The point that lifts women to partnership in the gospel is that they can also have unwavering determination and perseverance in ministry for Christ. May God give us hearts that live in an attitude of prayer and ministry to God every moment of our lives.

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.


A Mandate to Men

1 Timothy 2:8-15

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. We must remember Paul’s central theme in this 1st letter is sound biblical doctrine and teaching leads to godly living. Here is another truth to remember: Scripture never separates behavior and belief. The Bible teaches throughout that what a person really believes in their heart is what is demonstrated in their daily life. Paul is reminding Timothy, and us, to remain dedicated to following the teachings of the God-breathed Bible as we live our lives as Christians. Paul’s message in this section of his letter does not focus on the world or on home life; rather it focuses on 1st on worship as a way of life in the church.” 2nd This passage of Scripture also provides general advice for men and women. The entire section deals with our responsibility to behave in a holy, teachable, and peaceable manner. Now let’s look at this section in detail: Paul’s 1st mandate to men is:

I. TO PRAY WITH PURE HEARTS. Of all the things the Holy Spirit could have inspired Paul to tell men to do, the 1stmandate is for them to pray! A life of prayer is one of the most vivid evidences that a person, especially a man can give that his life is dedicated to living sound Biblical doctrine.  The point here is that a pure heart is an attitude of holiness, reverence and the fear of God.  When Paul tells men to pray “lifting holy hands” he is not teaching here that men should always pray with lifted hands. In that time uplifted hands in prayer was to them what bowing our heads is to us. Men, there are two truths that govern our prayer lives: 1st you cannot go to God in prayer with an ungodly or unclean heart. Read the prayers of David in the Ps. and you will see he is constantly asking God to help him keep a clean heart so God can answer his prayers. 2nd you cannot ask God for anything, or to do anything that contradicts His own nature and character, or Scripture. What you want must be what God wants! You must be consistent in your prayer for a pure heart until your heart is pure! There is no reason why a man who calls himself a Christian should not and cannot pray – both privately and corporately! There are only excuses, but no reasons! Here is a truth every Christian must learn, believe, and practice! If you can talk you can pray! Men, Godliness, which is righteousness, and all the other character qualities of men of God and prayer cannot be separated! One cannot exist without the other. Next Paul tells us men, we are

II. TO PRAY PERPETUALLY. “Everywhere” is to say wherever men gathered for prayer. Anyone can pray anytime, anywhere. However, there ought to be a time of day in every Christian man’s life when he is alone with God and can bow his heart in prayer without being distracted. If you think your schedule and time is too busy and limited to have a daily time alone for prayer, just think about Christ’s schedule. He had 3 years to find and teach men who would learn and share the gospel message so it would carry on from then until the end of the Tribulation – no matter what the opposition or resistance! One way a man of God is identified, is by his life of prayer, all day every day. So men, when other people think of your entire life and lifestyle, do they know one of your most outstanding character qualities is that you are a man of prayer? Finally, Paul tells us men:

III. TO PRAY IN PEACE. The “anger” Paul is condemning here is a heart attitude that is consistently indignant or slanderous toward another Christians. The peace Paul is addressing here is the peace of God. A Christian experiences God’s peace when their heart is in harmony with Scripture. The peace of God and purity of heart cannot be separated. Do you know the hardest part of having a dynamic effective prayer life? Starting! Just the thought of praying for the 1st time with your wife or children is all kinds of scary! Take Nike’s advice and “just do it!” Don’t make up all kinds of excuses why you can’t, just believe God and do it!

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.

Corporate Prayer

1 Timothy 2:1-7

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. As God so often does throughout Scripture, He is going to tell us through Paul, what we need to do and how we need to do it to avoid heresy and prevent a decline in commitment to Christ and His Kingdom. The 1st exercise a man or woman of God does in seeking His guidance is knee bends! You bend your knees so you can get down on them and pray. As you know bending one’s knees is a sign of humility and submission. Humility and submission to God are two mandatory prerequisites to successful prayer. The 1st thing God tells Solomon after the Temple had been finished, and it was ready for worship was to get on their knees and pray. The 1st step in getting God’s attention is to humble yourself before Him. Getting on your knees is one way to show God you understand your position before Him. What more appropriate way to begin to accomplish any task than with prayer. I’m using an outline from an expositor who understands prayer is central to all Christian living.

I. PRAYER IS FOR ALL PEOPLE! V. 1-7. First Paul deals with

The focus of our prayers, which is everyone. Paul says, “1st of all THEN…” Paul tells Timothy to combat evil forces, the 1st weapon of war is prayer. Way too many of us treat prayer as a last resort, and run right by it, jumping right into the fight and putting ourselves in unnecessary danger. When you find yourself faced with combat, use 2/3rds of the fire safety rule – stop and drop – to your knees and pray 1st then act! Having made us aware that our prayers are focused on all people, also addresses:

The form of our prayers. 1st Paul urges that supplications be made for all people. In the NT supplications always means “to ask,” or “to seek.” It is often viewed as a petition or request for another. Paul also urges that prayers be made for all people. When considered from a simple yet very broad perspective, prayer is calling on God. Notice also we are to make: 3. Intercessions for all people. This word translated “intercession” is used only by Paul and only here and in 4:4. Both times it is another word for prayer, or calling on God. Intercession sometimes carried the idea of longer, more focused or even intense seasons of prayer. Finally, thanksgiving which indicates an attitude of gratefulness as a reason for making the requests to God. Next Paul addresses:

The function of our prayers = V. 3-7. First Paul tells us a function or goal of prayer is the conversion of all people, or that all people come to a saving knowledge of Christ. The only thing universal about salvation is the invitation, not the application. Salvation is “applied” or granted only to those who accept Christ, and only Him, as their Savior. B. In v. 5-7 we learn another function or goal of prayer is contentment. The way in which Paul uses the idea of contentment or peace in these verses. Paul is telling people there is only One True God, and Paul’s desire was that all people everywhere come to a saving knowledge of the One True God so their life would be ruled by the peace of God which passes understanding. One write gives this summary of Paul’s challenge to our prayer life:

  1. We are to pray for all people, in all ways without prejudice.
  2. The goal of our prayers should be that all people come to a personal knowledge of God’s saving power.
  3. We have the confidence that Christ’s death has provided the ransom for sin. His death represented God’s effort to reach all sinners.

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.