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Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Positive Co-dependency

Video of this message can be found on YouTube.

Psalm 20

The term “codependency” was first developed in Addiction Recovery work and is defined as:
“excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, typically one who requires support on account of an illness or addiction.”

Psalm 20 showcases a positive co-dependence between a king and his people. There is a 2-way relationship between the people of Israel and the people whom the king governed. In ancient Israel, the people were dependent upon David for his proper, God-centered relationship with them. Likewise, David is dependent upon the people that they will continue to support him as he seeks to lead the nation into the will of God. Now, in our day politicians who seek to live for God are rare. So, how does Psalm 20 apply in our day? We may not be dependent upon a king in Israel for our spiritual welfare but we do depend upon our spiritual leaders in a similar fashion.

May we learn how to effectively pray for our spiritual leaders as they lead us into all the Will of God for our lives!

In Psalm 20 we have the prayer of the people for their king and then David’s response to their prayer. Let us take note of several key truths concerning the relationship between king David and the people of ancient Israel in order that we may learn how to have a positive codependency between our spiritual leaders and the people they serve in our modern times!

  1. The People Pray for the King in Verses 1-5
    1. A Prayer of Responsibility-this is a reciprocal relationship. The destiny of David and the people of Israel are intertwined.
    2. A Prayer of Lordship: There is only one source of blessing and hope and it is in Yahweh the God of Israel.
    3. A Prayer for Consecration in verses 1-3: “day of trouble…the God of Jacob… may He remember all your offerings”.
    4. A Prayer for Fulfilled Plans in Verse 4. “May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans”. The people pray for David’s plans to be fulfilled. David needs to have desires for the people that honor God. *SEE Isaiah 30:1-7
  2. The King Responds in Faith in Verses 6-9
    1. Praise to God for Answering the Peoples Prayer. “Now I know…” David believes God will hear and answer the prayers of the people… before the victory is realized.
    2. Churches need to earnestly pray:
      1. As our spiritual leaders take on and are attacked by the forces of darkness. One main responsibility of the leader is to protect God’s people. -Verse 1
      2. For our spiritual leaders to be protected everywhere they go. -Verse 2
      3. For our spiritual leaders to have full assurance of their acceptance before God. -Verse 3
      4. For the plans of the leaders to be led by and fulfilled by God. -Verse 5
    3. Final Application: Believers have capacity and responsibility to bless one another.

This Psalm presents a 2-way blessing, the people bless the king and the king blesses the people. As believers in congregations we have the power and privilege to bless and be blessed by our leaders. May God give us hearts attuned to His song of praise in the 20th Psalm so we can effectively pray for our spiritual leaders!

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