Service Times

Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

An Overseer’s Experience

1 Timothy 3:6, 7

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. We have studied what an overseer must now be in his observable behavior; and how he must be with his family. The 3rd general statement concerning the qualifications of an overseer is

III. The Overseer’s EXPERIENCE AS A CHRISTIAN. Any man who serves as an overseer cannot be a neophyte or recent convert. Paul defines 3 specific points of consideration for a man to be an overseer.

  1. His Development. This qualification points directly at the man’s spiritual age and maturity rather than his chronological age. As we are transformed into the image of Christ in our motives and intents; in our desires, thinking, feelings and our attitude – Christ-likeness begins inside and as we mature, our conformation is what shows on the outside. The truth is it takes time for all that to happen. No one is saved one day, and sanctified the next! Growth is more often slow than fast. Sometimes people who think God’s development and growth plan is not the best thing for them just don’t grow in Christ. They spend all their life being spiritually immature; and as a result miss all the blessing God has for them because they just quit making any effort to stop growing spiritually! They are of all people most miserable! The Greek word Paul uses here to mean “recent convert” is the word from which we get our word neophyte. Here it means one who is a new Christian. A new Christian has not faced the afflictions, hardships, tests, and attacks that come to one who is dedicated to serving Christ in ministry. Spiritual immaturity in an overseer, elder, pastor, deacon, is, and has been the cause of many new, even seasoned Christians, to become discouraged and turned away from the blessed life of living for Christ. For any man to develop to the point he can be considered an overseer, he must consciously, willingly, be determined, not just desire, but be determined to grow in Christ-likeness. So how does a man develop into an overseer? He gets on his knees before the open Book, and seeks God with all his heart, mind, soul and strength. An overseer must be a man who is now recognized as being a student of the Word, and prays without ceasing to become as much like Christ as a man can be! Anything less is unacceptable!! Notice Paul addresses a man’s development 1st, but doesn’t end there. He says a man must be mature in Christ “OR!” Now Scripture explains why a man must be mature in Christ by exposing:

  2. The Dangers! Spiritual blindness is what Christ died to correct and eliminate. If all a person knows is darkness then, the darkness is all they can share! In salvation, Christ has brought us into the light. It is ungodly and blasphemous to return to the darkness! Finally Paul discusses

  3. His Destiny. The NIV clearly explains what Paul meant, when it says, “a spiritually immature overseer will fall under the same condemnation as the devil.” The same destiny is stated in v. 7, of the man who is not well thought of in the community. The “condemnation” can also be interpreted to mean all the ungodliness that fills an unholy heart! Anger, bullying, slander, opposition, contempt for righteousness, and the like which are all characteristics of the devil. Each of these enemies of the ministry of Christ is how Satan gets a foothold in a Christian’s life. Only a spiritually mature man of God, man of prayer, man of the Word is a man or power who can face, and manage the attacks that will surely come his way as an overseer! Such maturity takes time!

Finally Scripture addresses: IV. The Overseer’s REPUTATION IN THE COMMUNITY. All church leaders, but especially a pastor is an ambassador for the local church, but also for Christ.An overseer, particularly as pastor, must view ministry in the community as a large part of his personal ministry! That philosophy of ministry belongs to all of you, not just your pastor. Your own reputation in the community can hinder a pastor who is well thought of in the community. If a pastor is given an open door by an unbeliever in the community and they know you are part of his church, your own ungodly reputation can close the door! “Well thought of in the community applies to all of you!” Fall into disgrace” means to fall into disgrace as a Christian. One of the highest callings a man can receive is to be called to be an overseer in the ministry of a local church! God, through His inspired, infallible, inerrant Word makes it clear that to hold such a title is no small task. He also makes it clear He, and He alone is the Only One Who calls men to the office. Without the call from God, a man does not have the inner commitment to rid himself of his pride and glory-seeking desires that arise from sin. Only God can redeem and cleanse a heart from sin.

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.

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