Service Times

Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Praise and Purpose for the Gospel

1 Timothy 1:12-17

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Other than David, we are hard pressed to find anyone in the Scriptures that had more praise and thanksgiving to God for his salvation than Paul. We often listen to Paul share his testimony with such enthusiasm you can almost feel him vibrate as he shares with us. Here is a truth for your repertoire when you talk with your unsaved friends and loved ones. In the fullness of time each of us is born fully equipped to do whatever God has planned for us to do. When we are old enough to understand we need a Savior, we make the most important decision we will ever make in our lives. When a person realizes they not only need to be saved, but can be saved, by placing their faith in the finished work of Christ, they make a choice that affects them for the rest of their life. That choice is to begin to discover how the indwelling Holy Spirit reveals to us one by one, all those character qualities and abilities God has gifted to us to carry out the ministry He planned for us. For those who might have a little trouble sharing your testimony, Paul gives an outline of sorts you might use:

I. PRAISE FOR SALVATION – 12-14. I think the one truth we can learn from Paul is that if God was willing to save him, God will save anyone! Scripture is very clear that salvation is offered to everyone anywhere! Notice the reasons for Paul’s praise: A. God gave Paul strength. Read Acts 9:19-22. Look at v. 22, notice Paul grew… Paul wasn’t saved, and instantly became powerful, he grew as he let God have control of his life. Spiritual growth and power is like most everything else in this life; you must work at it daily. Strength comes as one grows. Notice also Paul’s strength came because God judged him and found him to be faithful. As you read and study Paul, you discover that his call into ministry is always amazing to him, which is another reason for his praise to God. Of all the themes Paul addresses in his letters, perhaps the one most outstanding theme is his thanksgiving that Christ had called him into ministry. St. Augustine rightly says, “God does not choose a person who is worthy, but by the act of choosing him God makes him worthy.” The point of the gospel is that in choosing and calling people to salvation God makes them worthy. Paul now shares:

II. THE PURPOSE OF THE GOSPEL = 15. Here Paul expresses 2 primary purposes in the Gospel: A. Restore Trust through Acceptance. In this context Paul is saying, “whatever comes from the mouth of God can be trusted, therefore, it is in our best interest to accept all of what God says without any exception. Notice also the gospel is to: B. Redeem sinners. There is no other way to say it. Christ came for the purpose of redeeming all who are born under the curse of sin. That means He came to save you! The question we all have to answer is will we trust Him enough to ask Him?

III. THE PURPOSE OF GOD’S MERCY = V. 16. Paul gives a summary statement of the doctrine of progressive sanctification in just one sentence. Paul says, God gave to me His pity. One definition for mercy is God’s pity for the miserable and distressed. Misery and distress are two really good adjectives that describe the life of the unsaved. The reason God saved Paul was not so Paul would go to heaven. Nowhere does Scripture ever teach a person is saved so they can go to heaven. Heaven is a reward for, not the reason for salvation. When Paul thought of his salvation it almost always results in:

IIII. PRAISE TO GOD! V. 17. If the thought of our salvation does nothing else, it ought to cause us to break out in what is almost an uncontrollable doxology of praise and adoration toward God. Take this with you, and let God have all the freedom He wants to help you realized that in choosing and calling YOU to salvation, God made YOU worthy, in Christ Jesus!

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.


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