Service Times

Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Producing Our Priorities

1 John 1

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Last time we looked at our philosophy of giving to God in the light of those things that motivate our giving, direction, and our life. We also asked the question “what are you willing to die for?” It is much more difficult to know what is worth living for until you know what is worth dying for! As we go about our daily lives, we make many decisions every day that are grounded in the priorities of our lives. As Christians, all our decisions should be based on the Biblical principles of righteousness, and holiness. Every part of our lives as Christians ought to be saturated with Scripture as the only standard for determining the motives and intents of our hearts. With all that in mind we now turn our attention to producing those priorities in our daily life. Our focal question this week might be phrased: what can or must I do to make my priorities become realities? Let’s consider 3 questions to ask when thinking about producing our priorities.

WHAT WILL ENDURE? Read Matt. 6:19-21. If you don’t remember anything else, remember this: the most significant decision that has eternal consequences is your decision concerning Jesus Christ as Your Savior! Perhaps the 2nd most important eternal truth you have to consider is whether or not as a Christian you have allowed Christ to establish Himself as the unchallenged Sovereign Lord of your life! When you consider what will endure, remember that nothing in this life is permanent except your soul! One more little tidbit for you to remember is your religion has nothing to do with your salvation. At the BEMA Christ isn’t going to look to see what title you stood under, He is going to see if you are under His blood! In addition to prioritizing what will endure, we must also prioritize:

WHAT WILL SHINE? Read Matt. 5:14-16. Beloved, this is one of the passages that teaches us that our lives are to be lived in such a way as to draw other to Christ, not from Him! The light that shines from us should be the glory of God in us! One way to think of what will shine is to think or ask, what, or how will my decisions and priorities help, or positively influence and/or impact others? Finally, as we consider our priorities in the light of eternity, and what will shine or help, we need to consider;

WHAT WILL STRENGTHEN MY FAITH? Read Matt. 14:28-33. Whenever Jesus challenged the disciples concerning their faith, it was usually because they were trying to manipulate the circumstances in such a way as to make the outcome a result of their own abilities, rather than depending on God. God did not put David in the battle with Goliath to strengthen David’s faith. David went to battle because his faith in God was already strong! David’s strong faith in God’s provision and deliverance was because David had many times before faced adversity, and found God to be faithful in delivering him. Peter’s faith was strong enough to cause him to get out of the boat and start toward Jesus. He faltered a little, but Jesus was there to rescue him. Is your faith strong enough to move you from where you are toward Jesus? FYI Peter’s faith was strengthened when he got out of the boat because if he had not gotten out, Jesus would never have rescued Him. That rescue took Peter’s faith to a whole new level! We live our lives working toward making our priorities become the motivators in our lives. Christians, the real kind, are motivated because they focus on being obedient to all God’s Word. Like Peter, when he got out of the boat, we sometimes take our eyes off Jesus, but our Savior is always there to rescue us, and show us to a whole new dimension in ministry. I leave you with these two questions; are your priorities a reflection of God’s priorities for you as you live your life in front of others?  And, do your priorities strengthen your faith as they shine for eternity? You know don’t you!

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.

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