Service Times

Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Waiting Patiently for the Lord

Psalm 40:1-3

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. When we think of David, we often think of the man after God’s own heart. David was certainly a man of prayer and devotion to God. Ps. 40 is a Psalm of deliverance. Let’s look at some of the lessons David teaches us in this wonderful psalm.

  1. DAVID’S REALITY. We have a tendency to think the great men and women of Scripture as living in some dream or fantasy world, where they were, not completely untouched by sin, but certainly and apparently not affected by it as much as we are, right? Remember, David – the man after God’s own heart – was a murderer, adulterer, man of war, the target of assassination, not only by Saul, but by one of his own sons, and, his brothers didn’t exactly throw him a party when they found out he was God’s chosen to be king of Israel. So what is it that makes David so special, so sanctified, that God dealt so generously with him? I believe the answer is in these 1st 3 verses. To understand where David is in v. 1, we must look at v. 2. Notice he is in the pit of destruction, the miry bog. That is where David is mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Here is a question for you to ponder: while you are in the midst of terrible trouble what is your attitude and your heart toward the situation? Are you panic stricken, perhaps even fed up with trying to be a good Christian? Be honest now, because God and you know the real answer. That’s David’s reality! But here is the 1st of several lessons: Look at v. 1 where we see,
  2. DAVID’S REPOSE. Notice, in the midst of David’s reality – he waited patiently for the Lord! David actually wrote, “waiting, I waited.” Picture him in danger, and at the same time calm, serene, quiet! There is no other person in Scripture, save the Lord, Himself, that teaches us more distinctly than David to wait on God! What pit of destruction, what miry bog are you in right now? What is the trouble in your life that seems to suck all the joy out of living? It doesn’t make any difference how far in you are, how deep you have sunk; how tightly you are being held! If you’ll just stop panicking and start praying, the same thing will happen to you that happened to David. Notice that out of David’s repose, came
  3. DAVID’S REWARD. God heard David’s cry and responded just like He always does. This was not the 1st time David had cried to God. Read Ps. 18:1-6. Beloved, God delights in you as His adopted child. Of course He will rescue you whenever you are in danger. But He won’t do that as long as you are trying every way you can think of to get out of the mess you’re in. If you want God to help you, settle down, open His Word and let Him speak to you! Know what will happen? Look at V. 2 where we see:
  4. DAVID’S RESCUE. Look closely, David says, “God drew me up…” When we allow God to act in our lives He always draws us up! When David allowed God to rescue him, God’s way, God not only rescued David, but notice also
  5. DAVID IS RESTORED. God is in the restoration business! God not only rescued David, He established and secured him in his new situation. God doesn’t come to get us, pull us out of trouble, then drop us and go somewhere else. Far too often we abandon God once He has delivered us, don’t we! Ever wonder how much you’ve missed because you left too soon? Finally notice how after all God has done:
  6. DAVID REJOICES. V. 3. David is telling others how God delivered him from death! Now David is singing a new son of praise to God. How many times have you come through something so deadly and dangerous, that when you stop and rethink it, you realized only God’s intervention brought you through alive! It is easy to consider what God did for David from a physical viewpoint. But the point here is not physical destruction or death, it is spiritual destruction and death. So the question is: waiting, are you waiting? Are you focused on God to rescue and restore you, so you can rejoice with a new song of praise to God? If so, keep it up, if not, why not start today. God is waiting, why not follow His example?

If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.

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