Service Times

Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Brokenness Before God

Phil. 2:1-11

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can also download our service at Baptist-Christian at iTunes. We learned that effective prayer begins by adoring/praising God as God. Careful Bible study reveals that when a person correctly recognizes God as God they also learn to see themselves as “broken” before God. Nehemiah displays that characteristic in 1:6 of his book. Everywhere in ancient, secular language and literature “servant” had a negative connotation. The reason is that servitude was always a forced issue. So as a Christian, do you see servitude as forced on you?  How does God see it? Let’s consider

    1. THE BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE ON SERVITUDE! To be broken before God is one of the most profound aspects of a Christian’s life. The key is in the word “servant.” In Scripture a servant was a person who had absolutely no rights with one exception – to obey all their master commanded. A servant had nothing the master didn’t provide. Disobedience on the servant’s part meant immediate death. No matter who a person was or what their status or rank in life, if they became a POW they immediately became a servant! For the Christian broken means “total surrender as a result of a submissive spirit before God.” A Christian can’t live the life God has prepared unless they are willing to live it with a broken/submissive spirit before God! With that very broad perspective on “broken” before God, let’s see
    2. CHRIST’S PRACTICE AND PERSPECTIVE ON SERVITUDE! In Mark. 10:35-45; John 5:16-30; and 15:1-8 Jesus explains His position. Our attitude is determined by whoever ultimately rules our life! When we control our attitudes they are influenced by worldly things around us. When Christ governs them, our attitudes are the same as His! With that in mind let’s think about
    3. THE CHRISTIAN’S PERSPECTIVE OF SERVITUDE! Reality for most Christians is that God controls most of their life. A true spiritual Christian will live the truth that they want God to control ALL areas of their life. Our post modernist secular society today tells us we have rights and we should remind God of those rights to what’s ours as His children. Can you find such a doctrine in Scripture that allows us to tell God how to respond to our rights? There are at least five truths Jesus teaches us about servitude. 1 = Jesus didn’t let Who He is stop Him from submitting to God! If God’s Son was willing to lay aside Who he is to care more about you than Himself, are we willing to lay aside who we are to care for others? 2 = Jesus didn’t let Who He is stop Him from becoming a servant, so all could be saved. Are you willing to become a servant to others to lead them to salvation? 3 = Jesus didn’t let Who He is keep Him from humbling Himself – even to death! At what point do you draw the line where humility is concerned? If washing your neighbor’s feet would bring them to Christ, would you do it? How broken are you willing to be before God so He can work through you?

If we can help you with this or any other spiritual matter, call us at (574) 643-9419.

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