Service Times

Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Strong In The Lord’s Mighty Power

Ephesians 6:10

If you don’t have a church home, come worship with us on Sunday morning at 9:30. We think you will feel at home and know you will hear the truth of the Bible taught. No, I didn’t forget that we have not finished the book of Ephesians! We have laid some groundwork for the ministry of discipleship. Now we want to look at the conclusion of this mighty little letter and learn some principles that will guide us in discipling other Christians. When you read a verse like Eph. 6:10, what does it mean to you? What does it mean to your heart? It is a simple verse to learn but it is one of the deepest, richest, most profound verses in Scripture. Let’s work through this passage and this verse considering first

    1. THE PREDICAMENT OF THE CHRISTIAN WARRIOR! In this passage the Holy Spirit is warning Christians they are engaged in a war they can’t win on their own! Whether or not we believe, accept, admit or deny the fact, there is a real war being fought right now between Satan and Christians. We can’t imagine how severe and lethal is the hatred of Satan for anything and anyone that is Godly. Satan is far more powerful, smarter, devious, and evil that people in general, and even Christians think. He has influenced preachers to teach that God is a nice old Grandfather Who just couldn’t send anyone to hell if they just try to be good. The Devil has lulled many Christians into thinking that because they are “saved” there is no concern for sin in their life because the blood of Christ covers those sins. Therefore, many Christians today have no concept or concern for living a sanctified life. In verse 12 Paul states clearly our predicament. We must fight and battle, but we are fighting a battle WE can’t win on our own strength. To help us understand that let’s consider
    2. THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN CHRISTIAN WARFARE! Look closely at our enemies. They are rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world, and spiritual forces of evil. How long do you think they have been in those positions? Longer than we have been Christians is putting it lightly! When those angels fell from heaven, all that was good was taken from them and replaced with all that’s evil. There is not one atom of good, right, holiness or love left in them. These superhuman, super-intelligent, super-powered Beings have only one desire – to destroy Christians. Got the picture? Then there’s you! Fragile little thing you are created from the dust of the earth. If you put this in strictly human terms it would be like telling a toddler to go find Osama and put him in time-out because he’s been naughty! Consider
    3. THE PRECAUTION GIVEN TO CHRISTIAN WARRIORS. In case you are thinking “wait a minute preacher, this is God’s battle, not ours!” If that’s true why does Paul tell us (Christians) to “Put on the full armor of God?” If we are not the ones doing the fighting, why the armor? If there is no battle, why are we told to stand firm against the “schemes of the devil?” There is a war and we are in it. We are to stand in full battle armor and fight, not run and cower is draft dodgers. By the way these are commands, not suggestions for Christian living. If we are to dress in God’s armor and stand fast against an enemy that’s stronger than us, what in the world is going on? Isn’t this an impossible situation? No, but we must look closely at what exactly God is telling us. In the coming weeks we are going to examine this powerful paragraph and learn why and how we are to fight and stand against the Devil. In the meantime read it again carefully and see if you can see the source of power and certain victory!

If we can answer your spiritual questions call us at (574) 643-9419.

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